Советы по сбалансированному образу жизни для молодежи

  • 23.09.2024
  • 279

  • Стиль

A glass of clean water on an empty stomach

Young people need to drink about 8 glasses of water a day. But drinking water on an empty stomach is healthier because water helps the body activate the nervous system and improves our mood. In addition, water helps remove toxins from the body and maintains hydration, which supports overall body functions and can help improve skin condition.


Contrast shower

A contrast shower is a hydrotherapeutic procedure in which hot and cold water alternate. This is very useful because the alternation of cold and heat on the body gives a positive charge for the whole day, stimulates the nervous system. And if this procedure becomes your habit, it will help you always have a cheerful mood, which will protect you from depression in your younger years.


Don't skip breakfast

A hearty, balanced meal in the morning will give you energy until lunch. If you eat late at night, you will most likely not want to eat in the morning. But this is a habit that every young person should have. You can try to eat a little earlier in the evening so that you have a good appetite when you wake up in the morning. However, the food you eat should be healthy. For example, coffee and some snacks are not suitable for breakfast. If young people want to lead a healthy lifestyle, they should start their day with foods such as cheese, eggs, porridge and fruit.


Give up bad habits

Young people usually make a mistake when they add bad habits to their lives, such as alcohol and cigarettes, to get rid of stress. But you should remember that this is not the only and not the best way to deal with stress. Alcohol worsens memory, especially in young people. Cigarettes are addictive and very harmful, which has a negative impact on both your budget and health. Instead, you can watch a movie, play football or volleyball with friends, read a good book or spend unforgettable time with your family.


Maintaining physical fitness

Sport not only affects our body, but also has a significant impact on the nervous system. Regular physical activity stimulates the release of neurotransmitters such as endorphins and dopamine, which improve mood and relieve stress. If you want to lead a healthy lifestyle, you should definitely include sport in your weekly plans. You can go to the gym or do exercises at home at least 2-3 times a week. But remember that discipline is the key to success, so do not skip workouts too often.


Establish a regular sleep routine

If you are young, you need 7-8 hours of sleep daily. Try not to increase or decrease the number of hours of sleep per day. This will help you to be alert during the day. If you are a student, try to do your homework on time so as not to spend the whole night on it. Do not put everything off until the last minute, try to make your own study plan that will help you to study everything on time. Set a regular time for sleep and wake up. This will help regulate your body's circadian rhythm, making it easier for you to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.

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