Contacts is one of the most popular sites in the Azerbaijani segment of the Internet, the main site dedicated to the announcement of entertainment events, the largest catalog of restaurants, clubs, and other recreation facilities. CityLife is a well-known brand that operates since 2008 and has managed to gain confidence and is popular with visitors and advertisers in Azerbaijan.


Phone number: +994 (55) 835 65 38, e-mail:



Butter & Brot
  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:Filarmoniya garden (M/station Icheri Sheher)
Circle restaurant and music hall
  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:117C, Mardanov Qardashlari srt.
The Rock Club
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:Azi Aslanov str., 109
Cratos lounge club
  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:Azadliq ave
Gallery for kids
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:48C, Bakihanov str.
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:F.Kh.Khoyski ave. (Ganjlik Mall, 3rd floor)