Poster Concerts
“Burn Fest”

30 August at 20.00 in "AQUA PARK" Novkhany, will be held an enormous party "Burn Fest".
Here you can become a witness Burn Dance Show, and spent unforgettable time.
In the festival will take part DJs such as, Dj Mansur, Dj TWIST, DJ ISL, Dj REM, Dj Bullet, Dj Elec aka Yapon, Dj Panzer.

Concert of a Chamber Orchestra

On a scene of the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic society concert performance of a chamber orchestra of G.Garaeva will take place. Tejmur Gyojchaev will be the main conductor of the program.

Roya, Deyirman & Dj Elizabeth

All of YOU are invited to a GRANDIOS Show on November 1st, 18.00 pm at Hand Games  Palace (El Oyunlar Sarayi, Boulevard, National SeaSide Park)

"Bu sheherde" - 8 year.

Since November, 8-12th, throughout 5 days there will be a grandiose concert of the well-known duet of comedy actors, Dzhoshgun Ragimov and Rafail Iskenderov - "Bu sheherde", at the Azerbaijan opera and ballet theatre of M.F.Ahundova.

American conductor Rikardo Averbah will act in Azerbaijan.

Rikardo Averbah will be the conductor of a concert of the State Chamber orchestra of a name of Gara Garaeva who will take place on November, 7th. The concert will pass on a scene of the State philharmonic society of a name of Muslima Magomayev.

Star of the Italian platform - Toto Kutunio in Baku!

On November, 8th in the main concert hall of the country, namely in the Palace of a name of Gaydar Aliev, will pass a concert of popular Italian singer Toto Kutunio. The concert of Toto Kutunio under the name "Coach" arranges company "ART COMMUNITY".

"Virtual Acquaintance"

To data of fans of virtual dialogue and the Internet acquaintances, on November, 7th, at 16:00 local time in entertaining centre "QUEEN" which is located on 5th floor "ELITE", will take place show the program under the name "Virtual Acquaintance".

"Best Model of the Azerbaijan - 2008"!

Last round of elections among models on participation in "Best Model of Azerbaijan - 2008", has already come to the end. In it will take part about 40 models. As jury, applicants selected: the present project head - singer Ruhi, Ljubov Kutorova and stylist Anar. On last rounds it has been solved that final action will pass on 11th of November in the Palace of G.Aliev.

Arash is in Baku!

His name — is Arash and his music will make you dance, as any other. His name from the ancient hero of Persia who has rescued hundreds lives. And soon he will be in Baku! On the eve of New Year in capital, with a solo concert the Persian singer Arash well-known all over the world will act. In 2002 Arash has let out the first single "Boro Boro" that in transfer from the Persian means "Leave". The single has confidently occupied 1 position in Sweden and has glorified him for the whole world.

A Concert of the Symphonic Orchestr

In a number of actions spent to honour of  75 years old anniversary outstanding composer Arif  Melikov, is as a concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of the country of a name of U.Gadzhibekov, fahraddin Kerimov will be the art director and which main conductor.

International Tournament on Sports dances

In Baku will pass the international tournament on sports dances under the name «Swarovski Cup». Competition of class IDSF (the International federation of sports dances) will pass in sports Palace. We will notice that it is 2nd tournament which is spent in Azerbaijan.

Valery Leontev will arrive to Baku!

The known Russian executor the priest of music - Valery Leontev will arrive to Baku. On December, 3rd planned his solo concert in the Palace of Heyder Aliev. We will notice that the singer came to us repeatedly, and each time with new songs in repertoire. Supposed as in this time the singer not empty-handed to us, and with surprises for the fanns.

The ballet - "The Legend about love"

In the main concert hall of the country, statement 3 act ballet of composer Arifa Melikova under the name "the Legend about Love" will take place. Statement will be performed by the St.-Petersburg Maryinsky Theater within the limits of the International musical festival, the national actor dated to 75-year-old anniversary, the professor of the Baku musical academy, composer Arifa Melikova.

The concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of Maryinsky Theater!

Within the limits of the International musical festival, the national actor dated to 75-year-old anniversary, the professor of the Baku musical academy, composer Arif Melikov, will take place the concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of the St.-Petersburg Maryinsky Theater of the Opera and Ballet. We will notice that with there will arrive also one of the most influential Russian art workers - the main conductor, the director and the art director of the Maryinsky Theater Valery Gergiev.

A Concert of the Symphonic Orchestr

In a number of actions spent to honour of  75 years old anniversary outstanding composer Arif  Melikov, is as a concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of the country of a name of U.Gadzhibekov, Rauf Abdullaev will be the art director and which main conductor.

The concert program - Anti-AIDS

On December, 1st it is recognised as Day of the World struggle against AIDS. In Baku on it on water for the first time will pass festival. The program against AIDS will agitate known singers, DJs and country reference points.

The evening of Camera Instrumental music

On a scene of Kappelhausa will take place evening of Camera Instrumental music with participation of Lala Gusejnova (a violin, Turkey), Faridy Ahmadbekova (piano). In the program - J.S.Bach, F.Chopin, P.Sarasate.

Creativity night of Yagub Zurufchu

The Azerbaijan state philharmonic society will organise a concert devoted to creativity of singer Yagub Zurufchu. At a concert performance of the state orchestra of national tools, under the direction of conductor Agaverdi Pashaev is expected.

The Festival of Mstislav Rostoropovich

To attention of fans of classical music, solemn closing of 2nd International Festival Mstislav Rostoropovich on December, 14th will take place. We will notice that Festival opening has taken place on 9th of December in the State Philharmonic society. Performance of the Symphonic Orchestra of a name of Uzeira Gadzhibekova is dated for a closing ceremony with the concert program. The head and the main director - Maxim Vengerov (Russia), soloists - Rej Chen (USA).

The concert of the Symphonic Orchestra of Youth

On a scene of the State Philharmonic society the concert of a symphonic Orchestra of Youth will take place. The art director and the main conductor of a concert - Tejmur Gyojchaev.



Taksim Kebap
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:F.Kh.Khoyski ave. (Ganjlik Mall, 3rd floor)
Coffee Inn
  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:Mirza Ibrahimov str.,5C
Open Pool, Bar & grill
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:2, Heydar Aliyev Ave (Hotel Excelsior)
Nargile tea club
  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:3, T.Xalilbeyli str.
La Skala
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:131, Neftchiler ave
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:89, Neftchiler ave.