Exhibition of young artists "Breath of colors"

On March 17, 2022, the Baku Museum Center hosted the opening of the exposition of the exhibition of young artists "Breathing of colors", organized by the Museum Center, the KamART Art Gallery and the Mir Teymur Mammadov Ceramics Center.
The exposition of the exhibition included 150 works from 27 participants. The youngest participant is 7, the oldest is 17 years old.
Young artists devoted their works to customs, traditions, culture, as well as picturesque landscapes and demonstrated the perception of unique beauty, based on their own feelings. The exhibition is of interest not only for lovers of painting, but also for lovers of mysteries and contradictory images. Each young artist gives his individual interpretation of artistic images. There were demonstrated paintings in different genres of fine arts - still life, landscape, portrait, animalistic, domestic, mythology and techniques created in different styles - surrealism, fauvism, impressionism, etc.
In some works, the images are extremely contradictory and ambiguous, which the viewer can interpret in different ways. But all the images are united by a single feeling - energy. Not a single work seems insipid, each has its own spark, and all together they make up a large palette of amazing versatility and diversity of vision of young artists, tinted with bright colors and interesting compositions.
Small works, reflecting the voice of the children's inner world, creative thinking, richness of colors, were received with interest by all participants of the exhibition. After viewing the exposition, a pleasant aesthetic aftertaste remains that despite the constantly changing bright objects of the entourage, differences in technology, there are common qualities that unite all exhibitors. All of them have one task: to arouse the viewer's interest in a particular topic, with which they did an excellent job. The main factor in the impact of works of art is our senses, they play a leading role in awakening any emotions in the viewer.
The purpose of the exhibition is to attract public attention to the growth and development of children's and youth's interest in fine arts, to identify and support talented children.
The exposition was visited by well-known figures of culture and art of Azerbaijan, representatives of creative youth.
The goal and task of the KamART Art Gallery is to strengthen the creative potential of children and youth by applying the positive experience gained in the world system of fine arts, organizing various projects and exhibitions for their social development, preservation, inculcation and development of national and spiritual values. Many members of the Gallery are participants and winners of national and international art competitions. So, in Japan, the USA, France, Italy, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Turkey, Greece, Russia and many other countries, they won worthy places and awards. Achievements at exhibitions are the highest assessment of the skill of children and the work of teachers. In addition to permanent exhibitions, the Gallery organizes meetings with outstanding artists, master classes, evenings dedicated to their lives, joint competitions and exhibitions with the participation of Baku schoolchildren. Founder and director of the Gallery Kamala Jafarzadeh.