Poster For kids
For kids
The performance "Beautiful Vasilisa"

On the scene of Russian Drama Theatre will take place performance for children on the product of Elena Chernyak "Beautiful Vasilisa".

Open house at Gymboree!

Attention! Season opening in Gymboree Play and Music! Only from September, 6 till September, 11th to your children will be give a chance to participate in all our actiivities absolutely for free! Play and study, music, art, sports, and also preschool skills. Our doors are always open for you! For registration call or send your name under number: (+994 51) 902 46 47.

Lessons for kids

Entertaining center "Crazy" invites you and your kiddies to visit fascinating lessons! We are glad to inform that developing lessons for kiddies from 3 till 5 years, and also preparation of children from 5 till 6 years to school have begun. Hasten, only for the first and constant clients - discount! Lessons are spent 3 times a week during 2 hours. Registration by numbers: (+994 12) 598 21 93, (+994 70) 998 21 93. 

Gymbo holiday!

And again Gymboree play and music invites you and your kiddies to Gymbo holiday! Play, sing, dance on our cheerful and bright holiday! Entry: for members of club - 15 AZN, for guests - 20 AZN. 

Kids Party

Santa Claus is coming to town!  Come one, come all to see Santa on 18 December, and enjoy clowns, magician, face-painting, gifts and games! A wonderful fun day for all the family will take place in the Kishmish restaurant from 12:00 noon to 4:00pm. Tickets are priced at AZN 29 per child and AZN 39 per adult, and include fish fingers, mini burgers, pizzas, soft drinks and juices …and surprise gifts.

Performance "Tyk-tyk khanym"

The performance "Tyk-tyk khanym" on the fairy tale of Abdulla Shaig will take place at the Azerbaijan state theater of a pantomime. The director of performance is the deserved actress of Azerbaijan, presidential grant-aided student Nargila Garibova. The Art director of performance - Bahtiyar Hanyzade. 

Open Door in Gymboree

Call and register for Open Door event to have fun and enjoy parachute time and Play Gym, and get 15% discount for all products, on 4th February from 3 till 6 pm. 

Cooking Day

Dear friends, "Wonderland" will organize new project "Cooking day". This day your child will prepare the greatest, fragrant pizza and wonderful crackling cookies by themselves. Chef cook will help your children in this interesting and useful process. Everyone can take away pizza and cookies, prepared by your child.  

Novruz holiday for kids

Spring and traditional azerbaijan holiday Novruz will be celebrated in the Palace of Manual Games on March, 19th and 20th. We invite all children with parents to this cheerful holiday with many surprises!  

Flower Party

We invite you to a cheerful holiday of Flowers for children in age from 2 till 5 years! Tasty meal and the cheerful program for children: face-art, Parachute Time with magic bubbles and dances, and also the interesting Art project "Flowers" will be presented for you and your kids. 

Kids entertainments by Gymboree

Gymboree play and music invites you to free program Gymboree for kids in Park Bulvar (1 floor) on May, 20th from 18:30 till 19:30. Your children (till 6 years) can play in "parachute" and have fun with clown Gymbo under favourite magic bubbles. 

Ocean Day

Play, dance, sing on the sea holiday of Ocean in Gymboree Play and Music! We have prepared for children interesting and bright face-art with favourite hero?s. You can take pleasure also in sweet tea table!   

"Caterpillar" art-project

Join us with kids from 2 to 6 years for Gymboree "Caterpillar" art-project June 16, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, 1st floor. Gymboree is a global leader in classes for kids from 0 to 5 years. 

"Cars" Movie Day

ADA Book Center is inviting your kids (age 3-6) to the first CARS MOVIE DAY! We will: watch “CARS”, play games and enjoy delicious cupcakes! See you this Friday, September 16 at 18:00.


Show program for kids

We invite you to program for kids from the Gymboree play & music in Park Bulvar on December, 9th (1 floor), from 18:00 till 19:00. Children (till 6 years) can play in "parachute" and have fun with clown Gymbo and favourite magic bubbles.  

"Halloween Masks" art-project

Join us with kids from 2 to 6 years for Gymboree "Halloween Masks" art-project in Park Bulvar on Thursday, October 27, from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, 1st floor. Gymboree is a global leader in classes for kids from 0 to 5 years. 

"Gurban Bayram" art-project

Join us with kids from 2 to 6 years for Gymboree "Gurban Bayram" art-project in Park Bulvar on Saturday, November 5, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, 1st floor. Gymboree is a global leader in classes for kids from 0 to 5 years. 

Face art for kids

On November, 4th in connection with celebrating of Gurban Bayram in Park Bulvar will take place action for children - Face Art! We invite your kiddies to this fascinating action on which experts from ESS?E Nail care&spa will make colourful and professional face art! We wait for you at 16:00!  

Princess & Pirates Party at Gymboree

Hurry up for a fantastic holiday "Princesses and Pirates" in Gymboree play and music! We have prepared for you interesting games, ballroom dances, unforgettable and bright face-art and many other games! Come, it will be fun and interesting!  

Performance "New Year on Madagaskar"

In the first days of new year, in vacation, on the stage of Palace of G.Aliev will take place bright and interesting show for children performed by troupe of Moscow Dolls Theatre. The interactive musical "New year on Madagascar" will be presented to small spectators. We wait for you on this improbable dolls show!  



  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:14A, Khaqani str.
Nutelland Baku
  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:M.Resulzade street 4B
Garage lounge
  • Kitchen:European
  • Address:Z. Khalilov str.
Gold Club
  • Kitchen:Fast food
  • Address:28, Gogol str.
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:22, Azadliq avenue
Royal Home
  • Kitchen:
  • Address:205 A, G.Javid ave.