Poster Exhibitions
Memory exhibition of Hidayat Dzhalilov

In exhibition salon of the Union of Artists will take place the exhibition, devoted to memory of Hidayat Dzhalilov. Exhibition opening - 17:00. 

Exhibition «Reflection of values of Islam in art»

The exhibition «Reflection of values of Islam in art», organised by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism within the limits of the project «Baku - capital of Islamic culture-2009» will take place on November, 13-14th in the Museum Center. Exhibition opening will take place at 14:00.

Personal exhibition of Vafa Gablaeva

Only two days in the Center of Modern art the personal exhibition of charming artist Vafa Gablaeva will take place. Her works differ beauty and grace.

Personal exhibition of Rauf Abdulguseynogly

In the Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists the personal exhibition of Rauf Abdulguseynogly and the continuer of his craft Abdulguseyn Ismajlov will take place. The exhibition carries the name "Great art". Works from felt, batic, and also a drawing and painting will be presented. We will notice that Rauf Abdulguseyn ogly - the unique master in the republic, continuing ancient Azerbaijan art - manufacture carpets from felt. 

Personal exhibition of Natik Ahmedzade

On November, 25th in the Union of Artists the personal exhibition of Natik Ahmedzade will take place. Opening at 18:00. The exhibition will last a week.


Exhibition "White and black"

On December, 4th in the Museum Center the exhibition under the name "White and black" will take place. At an exhibition painting will be presented. Exhibition opening at 18:00. 

The exhibition "Lyrical landscape"

The final exhibition, spent within the limits of competition "Lyrical landscape" will take place in the Museum Center. Competition has been spent within the limits of the actions devoted to 100-year-old anniversary of artist Sattar Bahlulzade. The best works will be presented to nominations painting and a drawing. The final exhibition will last three days: 26, 29 and 30th on November. Exhibition opening will take place on November, 26th at 16:00 on 3 floor of the Museum Center.  

Exhibition, devoted to 100 anniversary of Sattar Bahluzade

Exhibition, devoted to 100 anniversary of National Artist of Azerbaijan Sattar Bahluzade will take place from December, 4 till December, 7th, 2009 in “Yeni Gallery”. At the exhibition painting and drawing of the artist will be shown. Exhibition opening-19:00.

Opening of new seasonal exposition

Friends! From 27.11.2009 YarAdAn opens next seasonal exposition. The collection of a drawing, painting and small sculpture of modern Azerbaijan authors is presented your attention. Welcome!  
We are opened on Saturday and Sunday from 13:00 till 20:00. 

Presentation of project "Ashug arts and Novruz Bayramy"

With organizational support of Department of the International relations of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism in the Museum Center the presentation of files, the book and disk under the project "Ashug arts and Novruz Bayramy" will take place.

Action dated by 110-year-old anniversary Dzhafar Dzhabbarly

On December, 9th the action dated by 110-year-old anniversary Dzhafar Dzhabbarly will take place. Action is organised by the House museum of Dzhafar Dzhabbarly with Musical college of National conservatory. On action students of musical college will tell poems, will execute the products written for a vocal, and also romances. On action scientists, intelligency will also take part. 

The literary exhibition

In Kapelhause  devoted to Nobel winners of the German literature will take place. The exhibition will last till 16.12.2009.

The exhibition "Seven directions"

The exhibition of seven young sculptors "Seven directions" will open on December, 7th in gallery «Gyz galasy». Five from them are graduates of the Azerbaijan State Academy of arts, and two continue the training in academy. At an exhibition 100 works – sculptures and graphic products will be presented. Sculptures are executed from bronze, ceramics, stone, tree, plaster and concrete by young sculptors Kanan Aliev, Ahad Mamedov, Orhan Nabizade, Nurlan Mamedov, Sabit Zamanov and students Faradzh Rakhmanov and Islam Gasanaliev.  

The exhibition of the Venetian masks

From December, 14 till December, 16th in office of the Chamber of commerce Italy - Azerbaijan from 16:00 till 19:00 will take place the exhibition of the Venetian masks. The address: Icheri Sheher, street Mamedyarov 62/1.

Photo-exhibition "The Seven"

In the Museum of Modern Art photo-exhibition "The Seven" on which seven authors will share with all come the ability to give to the supervision and sensations a visual embodiment – the photo will take place. Authors suggest to look at the world differently, probably, more deeply and more intelligently. Individuality and creatibity in a choice of a theme and a foreshortening of its illumination - the basic concept of this exhibition which will take place on December, 17th at 19:00. 

Exhibition "La Bele Toba"

Gallery "Yaradan" invites you to the exhibition "La Bele Toba". At the exhibition works of Elena Hagverdieva, Guseyn Hagverdi, Elyar Alimirzaev, Museib Amirov will be presented.

The exhibition of Niyaz Nadzhafov

The exhibition of artist Niyaz Nadzhafov will open on December, 24th in gallery «Kichik Qala Art». Niyaz Nadzhafov – the modern Azerbaijan artist, the master of «severe realism», the participant of many azerbaijan and foreign exhibitions, his works stored in the Azerbaijan and foreign museums, and also private collections.

Photoexhibition «Traditions and the present 2009»

In Gallery of arts of the Museum Center will take place the exhibition of the best works of the third International photocompetition «Traditions and the present 2009» by the name of Muslim Eldarov. Also during this period rewarding of winners in eight nominations will take place.

Film evening, devoted to Samed Mardanov

In assembly hall of the Museum Center the film evening devoted to the 100 anniversary of first professional Azerbaijan film director Samed Mardanov will take place. 

Istanbul fashion show in Baku

In Baku will take place fashion show, where you can see collections of the most known designers from Turkey and also estimate new collections of leading trade marks of the fall-winter 20102011. The main objective of carrying out of the exhibition – to tell about potential of Turkey in fashionable business sphere: from working out of new design trends to innovation in the field of manufacture.



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